Keep your dog Parvo-free (naturally) with these tips
Naturally preventing and treating Parvo in puppies and dogs
A canine Parvovirus outbreak has recently been reported and confirmed in South Africa! Canine Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral illness that affects dogs. There are 2 forms of Parvovirus: intestinal and cardiac. Intestinal Parvovirus is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea (often accompanied by blood), weight loss, lethargy and lack of appetite, while cardiac parvovirus attacks the heart muscles of foetuses and young puppies, often leading to death. Intestinal Parvovirus leads to dehydration and weakness, increased heart rate, and the dog's eyes may become noticeably red. It can also result in abdominal pain and hypothermia.
Canine Parvovirus can be easily spread either by direct contact with an infected dog, or by coming into contact with an infected dog's stool, where heavy concentrations of the virus are found. Common places for dogs to contract Parvovirus include kennels, parks, dog grooming parlours, veterinary hospitals and dog daycares.
"There is evidence that the virus can live in ground soil for up to a year. It is resistant to most cleaning products, or even to weather changes. If you need to clean up a parvovirus-contaminated area, first pick up and safely dispose of all organic material (vomit, feces, etc.), and then thoroughly wash the area with a concentrated household bleach solution, one of the few disinfectants known to kill the virus. If a dog has had parvovirus in a home, it is best not to have a puppy in that home for several years." - www.PetMD.com
One way to avoid Parvo infection is to make sure that your dog is fully vaccinated. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to successfully vaccinate a puppy for this disease because the immunity a puppy acquires from its mother can interfere with the vaccination process. Conventional vets recommend Parvo vaccinations every few weeks in the first few months of life and also recommend that adult dogs receive a yearly vaccination against Parvovirus for life. The practice of repeated vaccination is, however, a controversial issue among holistic and homeopathic vets, who view vaccination as a threat to strong immune functioning.
Here's how to naturally protect your dog from Parvovirus!
Keep your dog away from public spaces
Avoid places where your puppy or dog could be exposed to Parvovirus. Places like dog parlours, parks, beaches and friends' homes could be the perfect breeding spot for Parvovirus, and you want to avoid them at all costs during a Parvo outbreak! Remember, Parvovirus can survive in soil for up to a year, and is resistant to most cleaning products!
Make sure their immune system is prepared
Your pet's immune system is an amazingly intricate and complex system that maintains health and protects your dog or cat against all sorts of invaders including viruses, bacteria, microbes, parasites and toxins. A dog whose immune system is compromised is at much higher risk of catching Parvovirus. Compromised immune systems could be due to over-vaccination, illness, lifestyle or even stress!
Remember that prevention is better than cure! Always make sure that your dog's immune system is working at its optimal level by ensuring they receive sufficient nutrients, and that they are happy and fit! You should ALWAYS be giving them mineral and vitamin supplements regularly, and giving them extra boosts when there is any viral or bacterial outbreak! Use Parvo-K preventatively and further boost your precious pet’s immune system with Immunity and Liver Support.
Clean yourself before coming home
Especially if you've been in a public space where other dogs are likely to have carried in the virus, it's important to clean yourself off before greeting your dog when you get home. Immediately change your clothing and put them straight to the laundry. Be sure to wash your hands and other exposed areas of skin, and remove your outdoor shoes!
Look out for common symptoms of canine Parvovirus
Listed below are the common symptoms of Parvo in puppies and dogs:
- Depression
- Dehydration
- Vomiting (may be bloody)
- Severe and often bloody diarrhea (may also be watery and foul smelling with an orange-yellow color)
- Lethargy
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Small fluid-filled blisters in the mouth
The first symptoms of Parvo in an infected dog are usually high fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. Later, vomiting and diarrhoea develop. The stool is often bloody and may have a yellowish color and noticeably foul odour. Without effective treatment, dehydration, shock and even death may follow. Death from Parvo may occur within 48-72 hours after the onset of the symptoms if not treated, which makes it vital to react as soon as you notice any of these symptoms!
The vet can make a diagnosis via blood tests or testing of the dog’s faeces. According to conventional vets, there is no known cure for Parvovirus. Conventional treatment of Parvovirus is therefore mostly supportive and consists of maintaining the dog’s body fluids, balancing electrolyte levels, controlling vomiting and diarrhoea and maintaining body temperature, while the body fights against the virus and hopefully heals itself.
Natural vaccination / treatment alternatives
Homeopathic treatment for Parvo has long been the only viable method of treating the actual disease and can also help to immunise the dog (including puppies) against infection. Conventional veterinary medicine can only provide supportive treatment. Herbal remedies also have a role to play in relieving symptoms and shortening the natural course of the disease for quicker recovery - as well as strengthening the immune system to help support healing.
Parvo-K is a 100% homeopathic remedy in a unique formula which is both effective and safe with no side effects! It can be used preventatively or as part of the holistic treatment of parvovirus in dogs and puppies, as well as pregnant bitches. Presented in fine, easily dissolved lactose granules, Parvo-K is very easy to administer, even to ill animals that will not swallow tablets. Parvo-K is recommended along with Immunity & Liver Support to strengthen the immune system and increase the chances of recovery.
Below are the 3 best biochemic tissue salts to assist in the treatment of a puppy/dog affected by Parvovirus:
- Calc Flour – Calc Flour is often known as the virus resistor because of the natural flourine. When flourine is deficient, the body allows viruses to invade.
- Nat Mur – Nat Mur is great at balancing the water in the body at a cellular level, especially when dehydration, vomiting, and diarrhea are the main symptoms.
- Bioplasma – Bioplasma is all 12 cell salts combined together. It does a great job at helping all the body systems to support health, immunity and well-being.
If you have any questions, please contact our team or leave a comment below for FREE health advice. We always love hearing from you!
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