Top 5 Health Issues Men Never Share With Their Families And How You Can Help Them!
What do men worry about? Do you know what your man is thinking? Our Clinical Psychologist takes a look at the top 5 health issues which men never share with their families and how you can help them!
Men & Women – the differences
While women often share their health concerns, men are more inclined to suffer in silence. According to Michele Carelse, our MD and Clinical Psychologist, men worry just as much as women, but tend not to share their fears. Studies and surveys have also shown that men of all ages are less likely than women to seek help about their health issues.
Men are often more reluctant to take action, embarrassed, or even too scared to share their medical concerns, especially with loved ones – often repressing their fears and concerns for fear of seeming ‘weak’. In many cases, women are completely unaware that their husbands or partners may be ill because they are actually in denial about it.
If you ever wondered what men don't talk about, read on.
1. Depression
Men are affected by depression as much as women are – the difference is that they are less likely to ask for help. Symptoms of depression may include irritability, anxiety, being unusually withdrawn or quiet, inability to concentrate, unable to sleep or loss of interest in sex.
What you can do: If you notice that your husband or partner is showing signs of depression, encourage him to talk about it and be supportive. Staying active, eating healthily and doing something he enjoys – watching a football game, listening to music or going to a comedy show will lift his spirit. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, therapy is always a good idea and will definitely benefit anyone suffering from depression.
Nowadays, more people are opting to go the natural route and herbal remedies such as MindSoothe and PureCalm by Feelgood Health can help to treat depression and anxiety naturally. If your man is not willing to talk about his feelings, don’t pester him – instead, send him a link to an article, leave a brochure lying around or leave a magazine article open where he is likely to see it (e.g. in the loo!)
2. Sexual problems
Many men suffer in silence about their sexual problems. Erectile dysfunction also known as impotence, premature ejaculation, low libido can not only affect a man’s self esteem but also the intimacy in a relationship. Stress, a poor diet, being overweight and smoking can contribute to sexual dysfunction. Underlying conditions such as diabetes and heart problems also affect sexual performance.
What you can do: Talking about this issue openly with your partner is the first step to deal with this problem –however, the time to talk is NOT when the issue of sex comes up or during an intimate moment! Rather choose a time when you are both relaxed and try and broach the subject in a non- confrontational way without being emotional. Try and reassure your man that lots of men have the same problem and that there is often a simple health explanation that can easily be fixed.
If the problem persists, a doctor should be consulted to rule out any underlying conditions. While most men may choose to try the “little blue pill”, it does come with some unwanted side effects. A natural solution such as Iqawe - a herbal remedy to assist with male sexual health and functioning, can improve sexual performance, strengthen erections and heighten sexual pleasure, without the unwanted side effects of prescription drugs.
3. Heart disease
According to our Clinical Psychologist, men often worry about heart attacks – although they only speak about this in the privacy of the therapy room. Even worse – they tend to ignore early warning signs of cardiovascular disease, rather than going for a simple physical workout. Early signs of heart problems include chest pain, shortness of breath, pain, tingling, numbness, coldness, and weakness in extremities.
What you can do: Knowing the signs of a heart attack is vital to protect against an impending heart attack. Encourage your man to reduce the risk of heart disease by managing cholesterol levels and high blood pressure with natural remedies that don't require prescriptions. In addition, focus on healthy diet for all the family, in order to help your man maintain a healthy weight, cut down on salt intake, quit smoking and limit alcohol intake to prevent heart disease.
Instead of forcing a regime on him, try to introduce healthy diet and lifestyle in your family as a whole – something that will benefit all of you!
4. Struggling to urinate
The prostate is often a mysterious organ for women as it is one that they do not have! Furthermore, while women become accustomed at an early age to having a gynae examination, few men like to even think about having their prostate examined! Yet many men are anxious about their prostate –especially as they grow older and they start experiencing symptoms of prostate enlargement - common in men over 50 years old.
For some men, struggling to urinate may be an indication of prostrate problems – an enlarged prostate, prostatitis (inflammation or infection of the prostate) or prostate cancer. Other signs indicating prostate problems include needing to urinate more often, particularly at night, straining to urinate, a weak flow when urinating or the feeling that the bladder is not empty.
What you can do: Encourage your man to have a prostate screening at 40 and continue with annual check ups. Maintaining a healthy prostate and bladder health with herbal remedies such as Uro-Prostate Plus (with Saw Palmetto, African Potato extract & Willow Herb) becomes imperative as men start aging.
5. Blood in stool
Many more men worry about the health of their bowels than they will let on! Occasional traces of blood in the stool – or even a bright red stool after eating beetroot – need not necessarily indicate a problem. Occasional constipation or diarrhea are also simply nature’s way of regulating the system. However, a bloody stool and a significant prolonged change in bowel habits many be cause for concern. If your partner experiences any of these symptoms, have him schedule an appointment with his doctor so that a colonoscopy can be ordered to rule out any problems.
What you can do: When there is an ongoing problem with bowel movements or continued blood in the stool, it is important to encourage your man to go for a medical examination to rule out any serious health issues like bowel cancer. It could be that haemorrhoids or piles are the culprit (and there are natural remedies for haemorrhoids that can help).
However, it would be important to rule out a more serious problem like colon cancer – if only to reduce the stress of worrying about it! Factors which may increase the risk of colon cancer include a family history of colon cancer, low fiber, high fat diet, obesity and diabetes. Once again – promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle for the whole family is important in supporting the health of your partner – and the whole family!
At the end of the day, your man’s health is HIS responsibility! However, by creating a supportive climate in your relationship, encouraging your man to share his health anxieties and promoting a healthy lifestyle for the whole family, your support and encouragement can make a world of difference!
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