The must-have NATURAL First Aid Kit every parent needs at home!
The must-have NATURAL First Aid Kit every parent needs at home!
From grazed knees to concussion, kids seem to be accident prone, always getting themselves into sticky situations! Testing their own boundaries and limits are all a part of their development, so they’re bound to get injured and have emotional upsets every now and then (to mom and dad’s despair!).
We know that our Feelgood Health customers choose natural and organic, Earth-friendly and animal cruelty free whenever they can - and this also applies to the family first aid chest! As always, Feelgood Health is there with you every step of the way! Here are our Top Picks for your natural family First Aid Kit! Now, when disaster strikes, you will have everything you need!
Basic first aid kit:
- Tweezers for removing splinters and ticks
- Flashlight to check throats, ears, noses and eyes for inflammation or infection
- Tongue depressor to check sore throats
- Hot water bottle/heating pad to help soothe tummy pain
- Gloves to clean wounds
- Nasal bulb syringe to unclog blocked noses
- Gauze for dressing wounds
- Adhesive tape for applying gauze
- Cotton balls to clean and sterilize wounds
- Band aids to protect open cuts
- Bandages to wrap injuries
- Thermometer to check body temperature
- Syringe/spoon to measure liquid medication
- Ice pack for bruises and sprains (a frozen bag of veggies makes an amazing substitute!)
Natural remedies to have on hand:
- SOS-HistaDrops (natural anti-histamine) in case of allergic reactions (remember though – severe allergic reactions involving swelling eyes and tongues should always be referred to a doctor!)
- Tea Tree Essential Oil (natural disinfectant ) to apply to minor wounds and insect bites
- Silverlab Colloidal Silver Cream (natural antibacterial) to apply after disinfecting to cuts and scrapes, stings, insect bites, minor burns and damaged skin
- KiddieBoost is a natural antiviral and antibiotic alternative for children
- Mom’s Magic Trauma Sprinkles to naturally calm upset and traumatized children who are difficult to console
- AllisOne Rescue Synergy to use as a natural rescue remedy for children (or parents!)
- Du Du Drops to help toddlers and children sleep naturally (see Sleepy Sprinkles for babies under 12 months)
- Colic Calmer to calm the colic chaos!
- Congesto-K KiddieRub to soothe and relieve chest and nose congestion
- Sniffly Sprinkles (natural homeopathic decongestant and cold and ‘flu treatment – safe for use from newborn upwards)
- OralSoothe to quickly soothe teething babies
- K-OK KiddieCalmer to calm shy, anxious & distressed children and increase confidence levels
NOTE: For all signs of illness, poisoning or serious injury, be sure to take your little one to your doctor or nearest hospital for a thorough examination and professional treatment.
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