PMS Bloating Making Your Life A Misery? Tips To Beat PMS Bloating From Our Clinical Psychologist!
PMS Bloating – why does it happen?
Many women experience premenstrual symptoms such as bloating before and during their menstrual cycle. Women often complain about a bloated abdomen, a bra size increase, swollen ankles, hands and feet, bags under their eyes and weight gain. Ugh!
Whole-body bloating is very common and occurs as a result of excess water retention - your body retains more water because of hormone changes during the second half of your menstrual cycle. Looking bloated and puffy will undoubtedly affect women’s confidence about their appearance – and it therefore makes perfect sense why we gals become irritable and impossible to be around!
Michele says, “While you may not be able to get rid of water bloat and weight gain completely during PMS, there are certain things you can do to reduce that bloated feeling and keep moodiness and irritability away.
1. Drink more water
Some women think that because their bodies are retaining more water, they need to drink less. This is not the case! Make sure that your body is properly hydrated throughout the month – drinking at least six to eight glasses of water helps your body to release the excess water that it is storing. You’ll feel and look better too! More energy, better sleep, healthy, glowing skin!
Some of us really struggle with water retention during PMS and will immediately want to reach for an over-the-counter diuretic to eliminate the increased water. The problem with over-the-counter diuretics are that they deplete your body of important minerals such as potassium and magnesium that actually help with bloating. A gentler, more natural approach is using a tissue salt such as AllisOne Nat Mur Tissue Salt no. 9 which helps to address water retention.
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2. Cut back on the salt
Do you have a craving for salty foods a few days or the week before your period? All you want to eat is a packet of Salt & Vinegar crisps, salty peanuts, or pickles. Salt is the main culprit in causing water retention, especially during the premenstrual period! Keep in mind that processed foods, takeaways and restaurant foods are jam packed with sodium. Replace your salt cravings by keeping your body hydrated with plenty of water and adding healthier options such as fruits, veggies, raw nuts, raisins, etc to your premenstrual diet.
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3. Avoid sugars, starches and refined carbohydrates
Chocolate, red velvet cake, ice-cream, muffins, pasta and bread! These are a few of our favourite things when we are premenstrual and of course, added to that your bad mood takes over and then you have to have it!
Step away from the calorie-laden foods such as starches and refined carbs because they make estrogen levels go haywire. Studies show that women experience a drop in sugar levels during PMS and therefore crave more sugary foods. It also encourages the body to retain more sodium which leads to bloating. If you are craving sweet things, this is often caused by a drop in serotonin levels before your period. Help this by using a few drops of our herbal PureCalm remedy and try eating comforting serotonin-producing foods like banana, poultry or healthy gluten-free pasta dishes. A little high quality dark chocolate (preferably vegan) is also not a bad thing and can help to reduce mood swings – but moderation is the key!
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4. Top up on plenty of fresh fruit and veggies
Your go-to foods during PMS should be plenty of fruit and veggies which contain all the vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and fibers your body needs. Eat as much fruit as you can as fruit balances out the salt in your diet. Include fruit in some low fat yoghurt or add to a smoothie, so yummy! Prepare roasted veggies with a grilled chicken breast, make a hearty soup, or snack on celery sticks dipped in hummus.
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5. Eat frequently throughout the day
As difficult as it may be to eat regularly throughout the day, it helps to relieve bloating as well as feeling over full. Try to eat smaller meals instead of three large ones – and remember to include healthy snacks in between. If you think that you’re going to forget, program your cellphone to remind you!
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6. Exercise, exercise, exercise!
Exercising and being active is probably not what you’d like to be doing when you are feeling bloated. But, it’s the best thing that you can do for yourself and PMS body bloat! Inactivity, sitting and lazing around in front of the TV encourages you to retain more water – and to snack more! Get active, get moving! Go to gym, go for a walk, dance but don’t sit around! Regular exercising even during PMS will lift your spirits and make you feel better about yourself.
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7. Take vitamin supplements
At various points during their menstrual cycle, women become deficient of certain vitamins and minerals. Studies show that women should increase their intake of calcium and magnesium supplements which helps to decrease bloating. Try the Solgar range of Calcium and Magnesium tablets available from the Feelgood Health shop in Westlake, Cape Town or call 021 797 0193 to order.
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8. Natural remedies for PMS
There is a very long tradition of using herbal remedies to treat ‘women’s problems’ like PMS, fertility, etc . More recently, many herbs have been studied for their hormone balancing and therapeutic effect on women’s health.
Here’s how Feelgood Health can help!
• Prevention - Keep your hormones balanced throughout the month by taking a natural remedy such as Dong Quai from the Feelgood Health range – this is an excellent general tonic to prevent premenstrual symptoms.
• Cure – Femalite is a natural remedy for PMS that is specifically formulated to reduce bloating, cramps, irritability and moodiness during the premenstrual period and for the first few days of your actual period. Femalite comes in handy drop form – so you can simply add it to some water and sip during the day for natural relief from PMS symptoms!
SAVE with the PMS combo-pack! If you want natural relief from PMS all month long, try the premenstrual combo pack. This pack contains Femalite, a must-have herbal remedy for PMS relief and Don Quai for month round hormone balancing. Watch the PMS monster disappear! Guaranteed!
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