OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles - Quickly soothes teething babies
Homeopathic remedy soothes & relieves teething troubles!
- Safely soothes sore & tingling gums
- Relieves the pain of teething without the use of OTC painkillers
- Reduces irritability, crankiness and crying
- Strengthens your baby’s emerging new teeth
- Calms and soothes your little one naturally
- Easy to use - simply sprinkle on the tongue!
How can OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles help?
Over the counter preparations for the discomfort of teething include painkillers or preparations which are rubbed on the gums. From a naturopathic point of view, it is advisable to avoid synthetic painkillers for babies, especially on an ongoing basis. Topical preparations often contain alcohol, as well as other synthetic ingredients and are also therefore not the best for your baby to use regularly.
OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles are a homeopathic remedy for relieving the pain and discomfort of teething. They are especially formulated for safety during infancy and contain no alcohol or any synthetic ingredients which could be harmful to your baby. OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles are presented in fine baby-friendly granule form. Simply sprinkled onto your baby's tongue, OralSoothe Sprinkles will dissolve easily and be absorbed by the mucus membranes of the mouth. Because babies love the taste of OralSoothe, they will accept it very happily! As a bonus, OralSoothe also contains Calcium Phosphate - a natural biochemic tissue salt which encourages the growth of strong teeth and bones!
BabyNature OralSoothe is gentle and effective. It will reduce the discomfort & irritation of teething and calm your baby, helping your little one (and you!) to have a good night's sleep.
OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles contain the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in therapeutic dosage:
- Chamomilla D3 and 6C are well known homeopathic remedies for infant colic and teething. Chamomilla is useful for relieving pain and soothing children who are uncomfortable and irritable.
- Calcium Phosphate D6 is a biochemic tissue salt which restores strength to the body and is useful during times of growth and development. It is also excellent for improving circulation, bones and teeth.
- Calcium Flouride D6 is another tissue salt which is important for teeth, skin and bones. Calc. Flour. is useful for teething pain and toothache and will also address emotional symptoms. Although related, it should not be associated with the controversial Flouride often given to children for strengthening teeth.
- Passiflora D3 - in homeopathic form, Passiflora is used for its soothing, quieting and pain-relieving properties ideal for calming your teething and fretful child.
Sucrose (inactive ingredient)
How has OralSoothe helped others?
'Our baby was having a terrible time with cutting his first tooth. He had been feeding poorly and very grouchy for 2 weeks and the gel I tried to put on his gums didn’t make any difference at all. In fact he hated it! I gave him your OralSoothe and within minutes he seemed like a different child! It has continued to keep him calm and seemingly free of pain so I have just ordered another three bottles! Thanks for a great product!' - Monique T-F
'I am so grateful for your wonderful teething formula - it really settled my little girl and allowed the whole household to get some sleep. I’m really relieved that she’s not in pain anymore - I’m going to tell all my friends about OralSoothe!' - Julie
'My first baby breezed through teething and I thought it would be the same for my little boy - no such luck! He was a little crank pot for weeks until we tried your OralSoothe Teething remedy. Things are going better and it seems to help him settle down to sleep easier too (thank goodness!)' - Lynne
'I've used your Colic Calmer and the OralSoothe - I call them 'Mother's Little Helper'!!!'
How do I use OralSoothe?
OralSoothe is presented in fine granules (we call them 'sprinkles') that dissolve easily on the tongue making it easy to administer to babies.
Sprinkle a small pinch of OralSoothe Teething Sprinkles on your baby’s tongue whenever needed for quick relief. Dosage may be repeated every 20 minutes for up to 10 doses if necessary.
For teething babies who are also having trouble sleeping, OralSoothe may also be used along with Sleepy Sprinkles, our homeopathic sleep remedy for babies.
Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.