MellowPause - Natural menopause remedy for hot flashes
Herbal help for menopausal hot flashes
- Reduces hot flashes & night sweats
- Helps with insomnia
- Supports balanced mood and reduces moodiness
- Soothes restlessness and irritability
- Improves skin health & prevents menopausal acne
Ingredients: Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh), Pulsatilla Vulgaris (Pasque Flower), Ethanol (inactive ingredient), Purified Water.
How can MellowPause help?
MellowPause is a proven herbal compound formula, clinically developed, and pharmaceutically manufactured. It provides natural remedies that work and eliminate the need to endure the risks and side effects of HRT. Remember, menopause is a transitional stage and not an illness and is therefore best treated in a healthy and supportive way. Conventional HRT should only be used as a last resort in very severe cases.
How has MellowPause helped others?
"I was very depressed and my moods were up one day and down the next. When I went to my doctor she said that I was starting to go through the menopause even though I was only 41 years old. She told me about this remedy and I tried it. I take it every day and I feel fine - not moody anymore, thank goodness!" - Belle
"I have been taking your recommended herbs, Dong Quai, MellowPause and Femalite for a couple of months. I do have to tell you that all of my symptoms have totally disappeared. I probably started your course about last week of May. My sister is actually a Homeopath practicing in London and I will be visiting her in September and I can't wait to share my news with her! Thank you." - Clare L.
"I used to wake up at night absolutely drenched in sweat! I've been taking Dong Quai and MellowPause for about two months now and I can really see the difference. I am not sweating at night anymore and I feel much calmer." - Molly
My hot flushes were so bad that I avoided speaking to anyone at work and I did not dare even drink a glass of wine! I just felt like a walking pressure cooker :-( With Mellowpause and Don Quai my hot flushes have practically disappeared and when I do have one then I am the only one who notices (believe me EVERYONE noticed before because I literally turned into a sweating beetroot!). I can't thank you enough!' - Deidre
How do I use MellowPause?
MellowPause comes in convenient concentrated tincture (drop) form and is diluted in water or juice.
10 to 15 drops in a 1/4 glass of water three times daily or as prescribed. Recommended for use along with Don Quai as a hormonal tonic for the female reproductive system
Caution: Safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been clinically established. Please consult your doctor should symptoms persist.
Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.