Seizure Combo: Epi-Still + Cannaco Oil (SAVE 10%)
Natural Seizure Support
Struggling to find relief from seizures, convulsions or epilepsy? This combination of Epi-Still and Cannaco Oil is a natural and holistic approach to chronic or acute seizure disorders, and helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures. Save 10% today!
Epi-Still (50ml)
- Relieves seizure symptoms, including generalized (grand mal) and absence (petit mal) seizures
- Limits after-effects of seizures such as drowsiness and confusion, and reduces the frequency and severity of seizures
- Helps to promote nervous system health and assist with seizure control
- Soothes the nervous system to foster a more stable neurological environment and protect the brain from damage associated with seizures
Ingredients used in Epi-Still: Passiflora (Passionflower), Scuttelaria laterifolia (Skullcap), Cuprum metallicum (30C), Cicuta virosa (30C) Ethanol (natural preservative)
Ingredients used in Cannaco Oil: Broad Spectrum Cannaco Oil, MCT Oil, Lecithin, Biodegradable Preservative (Pureganic)
How to use
Epi-Still can be used effectively in isolation for people who are not currently using prescription medications or can be taken in combination with anticonvulsant medications to improve their effectiveness as well as to allow for lower dosages and subsequently fewer side-effects.
Adults and Teenagers: 15 - 20 drops in approximately 1/4 cup water or juice three times daily. An additional dose may be taken at the first warning signs of acute symptoms. Children: One drop per age year of the child diluted in ¼ cup of water or juice three times daily.
Caution: Safety during pregnancy and nursing has not yet been established. Please consult your doctor before making any changes in current medication.
Cannaco Oil
Start with 10 drops, twice a day. It is recommended that you begin with the lower dose and slowly increase until you feel the desired results are maintained. As all people, and their health needs, are different, the recommended dosage of Cannaco oil will vary from person to person, depending on their constitution, lifestyle and needs.
This medicine has not been evaluated by SAHPRA. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.