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How to use Tissue Salts for Pets

How To Use Tissue Salts For Your Pets

More and more people are turning to biochemic tissue salts as effective natural remedies to support their health and wellbeing. But did you know that tissue salts are beneficial for pets too? Yes, these gentle and effective remedies can support dogs, cats, birds, horses, cows, and even wild animals!

What Are Tissue Salts?

Tissue salts, also known as biochemic or cell salts, are twelve essential mineral salts that occur naturally in the body to maintain good health. This therapy was first developed by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schussler, a German physician, in the 19th century. He believed that most illnesses stem from imbalances of these minerals in the body.

Tissue salts help cells function effectively and regulate vital processes like digestion, nutrition, water balance, detoxification, and healing. According to Dr. Schussler, an imbalance in these 'cell salts' can lead to 'dis-ease.' By taking the appropriate tissue salt, balance is restored, and the body returns to a natural state of health.

Here are the twelve cell salts:

  • Calcium Minerals: Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phos, Calcium Sulphate
  • Potassium Minerals: Kali Mur, Kali Phosphate, Kali Sulphur (known as Kali Mur, Kali Phos, and Kali Sulph)
  • Sodium Minerals: Natrum Phosphate, Natrum Sulphur, Natrum Mur (known as Nat Phos, Nat Sulph, and Nat Mur)
  • Other Minerals: Ferrum Phosphate (Ferrum Phos), Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos), and Silicea

These salts are absorbed directly into the cells, restoring balance and harmony in the body. The amazing thing is that their effects can be felt quite quickly, and best of all, there are NO side effects! Tissue salts can be used for treating acute conditions and as preventive measures. Isn't this a good enough reason to use tissue salts for your precious pet as well?

6 Common Pet Health Problems and How Tissue Salts Can Help

  1. Skin Problems
    Skin problems are the most common health issues facing pets. Whether it's dry, itchy skin, eczema, hot spots, or dandruff, Calc Sulph can help. It has a healing effect that helps maintain a healthy skin and coat. For best results, combine Calc Sulph with Feelgood Pets Skin & Coat Tonic, a herbal tonic designed for pet skin conditions, and Allergy Itch Ease or Itch Caps to relieve itching.

  2. Respiratory Problems
    If your pet suffers from respiratory infections, colds, or sinus issues, Ferrum Phos is an excellent choice. It works well during the first stages of any infection, providing quick relief from sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Ferrum Phos strengthens blood vessel walls and helps distribute oxygen and iron throughout the body, promoting healing. For watery eyes and a runny nose, Nat Mur is another helpful tissue salt that promotes water balance. These salts can be paired with herbal remedies like Respo-K and FeliSafe for respiratory health.

  3. Anxiety, Stress, and Nervousness
    Pets can experience anxiety, stress, and nervousness just like humans. If left unaddressed, these feelings can lead to behavioural and physical problems, such as fur and feather pulling. Kali Phos is a perfect tissue salt to soothe and calm anxious pets, especially during stressful situations like vet visits, thunderstorms, or moving homes. It works well alongside Feelgood Pets PetCalm or Calm Drops For Pets, promoting relaxation while restoring balance.

  4. Digestive Issues
    Digestive problems, such as diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, and gas, are common in pets. Nat Phos acts as a wonderful acid neutraliser and improves the absorption of fats and nutrients, promoting overall digestion. Nat Phos can also be combined with Feelgood Pets Digestive Support for chronic digestive problems in dogs and cats.

  5. Diabetes
    Diabetes is becoming increasingly common in pets, especially dogs and cats. Tissue salts can help restore balance to blood sugar and insulin levels and improve pancreatic health. Combining Kali Sulph, Nat Sulph, and Calc Phos can create an effective natural remedy for diabetes management.

  6. Sore Joints
    For pets suffering from stiff, swollen joints, arthritis, or degenerative joint disease, Calc Fluor is a beneficial tissue salt. It helps strengthen and restore elasticity to tissues, improving movement and promoting healthy ligaments, bones, and teeth. Use Calc Fluor alongside Nat Phos to neutralise excess acid in the joints and support joint health. Feelgood Pets MobiLive Pets or Devoted By Nature Easy Joints is also a great natural anti-inflammatory option for pets with painful joint conditions.

What is the Dosage for Tissue Salts in Pets?

Tissue salts can be taken preventatively or curatively. Preventive use is usually referred to as a 'maintenance dose,' typically taken 2–3 times daily. During acute symptoms, increase the frequency of dosage rather than the amount of tablets. For instance, a dog with chronic digestive problems might take the recommended tissue salts two to three times daily but increase to an hourly dose during flare-ups.

Recommended Maintenance Dosage:

  • Small Animals and Birds: 1 tablet dissolved in water; administer a third three times daily.
  • Cats and Dogs Under 5 kg: ½ tablet three times daily.
  • Dogs Between 6 kg and 20 kg: 1 tablet three times daily.
  • Dogs Over 20 kg: 2 tablets three times daily.
  • Horses: 5 tablets three times daily.

To view our full selection of tissue salts, please CLICK HERE.

As you can see, biochemic tissue salts offer a gentle, safe, and non-toxic treatment alternative for your pet’s overall health. While we highlighted six common conditions that respond well to tissue salts, many other pet ailments can also benefit from this holistic approach. Embrace the healing power of tissue salts for your furry friends today!

If you have any question, please contact us or leave a comment below for FREE health advice. We always love hearing from you!

Previous article Should vegetarians (or vegans) put their pets on meat-free diets


Mandy McTainsh - November 26, 2020

Is it best to give budgies tissue salt tablets or the spray?

Feelgood Health Team - February 17, 2020

Good day Attieww

Thank you for leaving a comment on our blog, Tissue Salts for Pets! 
If your dog has an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), we recommend Kelp Powder Supplement for pets on a daily basis. If your dog has an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), we recommend a calming tissue salt, such as Rescue Synergy.

The best tissue salts to help balance thyroid functioning include Mag Phos, Calc Fluor and Silicea.

I trust you’ve found this information useful!


Attieww - February 17, 2020

What no tissue salt for my dogs thyroid broblem thanks for helping👻

Feelgood Health Team - March 25, 2019

Good morning Suzanne,

Thank you for reaching out to us and for your interest in our brand, Feelgood Health!

AllisOne Kali Phos Tissue Salt no. 6 is safe for a puppy of any age or weight and can help calm and reduce anxiety. You would need to give your puppy 1 tablet 3-5 times daily for the first week and thereafter reduce the dose to 1 tablet once daily as a maintenance dose.

For more information on AllisOne Kali Phos Tissue Salt no. 6, please follow this link:

We also have an effective homeopathic remedy, called PetCalm, that is specially formulated for pets with anxiety, separation issues and phobias. For more information on PetCalm, please follow this link:

AllisOne Kali Phos Tissue Salt no. 6 and PetCalm are also safe to use in conjunction with one another or effective on their own, depending on what your dog needs.

I hope that you have found the above to be helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Feelgood Health Team

Suzanne Haldenwanger - March 25, 2019

Is Schuessler Tissue Salts Nerve Nutrient Kali Phos safe for a 3 month old puppy with seperstion anxiety if so how many tablets cn he have he is a toy poodle weighing 2 kilos

Esme Mallinson - March 29, 2018

My dog has a rectal polyp and is sticking partly out of her rectum confirmed by the 2 vets independantly. Is there a tissue salt that would help to shrink the polyp?

sonia - March 26, 2018

please , i need your help. My dad (87) has two sister dogs about 10 years old being cross staffie and pitbull. They are lovely dogs but tend to have health issues and nothing we do seems to help. the black one has bad skin allergies- fatty lumps, nodes and loss of fur. We have been using Regal skin products, Natural hot spot ointment- not helping. she scratches herself frantically and rubs her back under the chair.
the brown one has developed and eye infection which has greeny discharge. The animal welfare prescribed chloramex opthalmic ointment. in both cases their health is not improving and at my wits end as I do not live with him, but need to attend to their needs. taking them to the vet is very stressful as they tend to want to fight once they get home when I take one at a time and the other gets jealous because the one went for a drive in the car so i have to take the other as well for a drive around the neighborhood- then its still bristles rising – very stressful as i am 62 years old.

Verona Dante - March 6, 2018

Dear Lisa

​Thanks for leaving a question on our blog. I apologize for the late reply.​​

It seems that your pet might be battling with an allergy. We would therefore like to recommend you try AllisOne Immuno Synergy Tissue Salts which is a wonderful tissue salt combination that is naturally formulated to support healthy immune functioning and assist with allergies. In addition, I would recommend that you also use our all-natural Natura Pet Eye Cleanser to soothe eyes and prevent scratching and possible infection.

​CLICK HERE for more info on AllisOne Immuno Synergy

CLICK HERE for more info on Natura Pet Eye Cleanser

Warm Regards,

Verona Dante


Verona Dante - March 6, 2018

Dear Nali

​Thank you for your question posted on our blog​. We do apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

Your question is not a silly one at all :) We all wonder the same things quite often. The Tissue Salts for humans and pets are ​actually ​the same​ as we all have the same physiological make up!​.

A wonderful one to start your baby boy on would be the AllisOne Calc Phos Tissue Salt no 2. AllisOne Calc Phos is excellent for growing pups and will assist in the absorption of food, prevent anaemia, strengthen bones and joints, soothe anxiety and is just generally an excellent supplement for your growing boy to start with! The tissue salts are also lactose and sugar free making them the perfect natural choice.

​CLICK HERE for more info on AllisOne Calc Phos.

Warm Regards,

Verona Dante


Nali - March 5, 2018

Hi there,
I have a 9 week old baby bulldog, bulldogs by nature are prone to many illnesses such as hip displasia, heart problems diabetes etc,
Do you think it will be a good idea to put him onto the combination 12 Tissue salts. Silly question…as the tissue salts that we use different to ones for dogs?

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