How to treat acne naturally PLUS a FREE organic face mask recipe!
How to treat acne naturally PLUS a FREE organic face mask recipe!
Acne definition: "A skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands (oil glands) and prevalent chiefly among adolescents" ~ Oxford English Dictionary
They say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. But what if you’re the beholder, you’re looking at your own appearance and don’t like what you see because you have red pimples all over your skin? Let’s face it. It’s difficult to see yourself as beautiful when your skin is covered in blemishes! While acne is often seen as a ‘teenage problem’, in reality it can happen to anyone, regardless of age!
Do you feel like you’ve been fighting a losing battle trying to get rid of those spots? Have you tried countless over the counter products like antibiotics and conventional drugs but to no avail? Are you tired of spending money on endless doctor’s appointments and medical bills, not to mention tons of creams and other treatments in hasty attempts to get your clear, glowing skin back? Here is the reason why people’s attempts to get rid of their acne usually fail: Acne is a symptom of an underlying problem and it won’t go away unless the underlying problem is identified and addressed!
As we all know, everybody’s bodies work differently - therefore what may be the root cause of your acne could be different to the next person’s. The key is to try figure out what your body is trying to tell you! It’s as important to treat acne from the inside as it is to treat it on the outside!
Let’s therefore first take a look at the 4 main factors that trigger this frustrating skin condition, what you can do to fix the underlying problem holistically and then look at what you can apply to your skin.
The FOUR most common systemic causes of acne are as follows:
- Toxins
- Poor gut health
- Hormonal imbalance
- Stress
Sometimes an individual might simply be dealing with only one of these causes - however you need to bear in mind that all four of these causes aren’t necessarily isolated problems. Having an overload of toxins in your body could lead to poor gut health, a hormonal imbalance could trigger stress, etc. You might find that you need to treat all of the above before your acne clears and your overall health improves. Some people have found that dealing with only one of the causes has helped them achieve clear skin and great health.
The Feelgood Health team is with you every step of the way and we feel that it’s important that you look into all four causes and understand how they might lead to skin problems, as well as natural treatments for each, in order for you to start getting your glow back! Let’s dig a bit deeper…
Unfortunately we live in a polluted world filled with toxins, chemicals and poisons which get absorbed into our bodies by the food we eat, via chemicals (including our toiletries!) we use as well as simply breathing them in! The sad part is that our bodies were not designed to deal with such harsh conditions therefore our bodies struggle (some more than others) to process and eliminate all of them. As the skin is part of the immune system and tries to help the body to get rid of toxins, this can result in blocked pores and acne.
Here are our 6 top tips to naturally spring clean your body:
- Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day
- Start Oil Pulling (read our article here)
- Detox naturally with Feelgood Health’s herbal Detox Drops
- Drink 1-2 cups of Organic Detox Tea (with lemon) everyday
- Detox, balance and cleanse your system by using Superfoods Organic Green Shake
- Make sure you are getting enough exercise in order to sweat out excess toxins!
Poor gut health
Believe it or not, if your gut is not functioning properly, acne is usually one of the first symptoms that arise. Unbalanced gut flora and an unhealthy gut can lead to one, if not all four, of the causes of acne! It’s important for you to maintain a healthy gut system in order for optimal health and clear skin.
Here are our 5 top tips to heal your gut naturally:
- Use a daily probiotic supplement to improve digestive and intestinal health
- Tone your entire digestive system to fight digestive disorders with Gastronic Dr
- Substitute processed sugar for unrefined coconut blossom sugar, which promotes good gut bacteria
- Focus on eating more whole and plant-based foods
- Include unprocessed, plain yoghurt in your diet (not the sweetened and coloured variety!)
Hormonal imbalance
It is quite common for a hormonal imbalance to cause skin breakouts. Hormonal imbalances can give rise to acne at any time of your life, but are especially common during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause! Doctors may prescribe birth control pills to help rebalance your hormones. While birth control pills can assist with balancing hormones, your body often becomes dependent on them and negative side effects are more than likely to arise. The Feelgood Health team strongly recommends that you deal with a hormone imbalance in the most natural ways possible (as there are many other alternatives!)
Here are our 5 top tips to balance your hormones:
- Use Feelgood Health’s Don Quai – a natural remedy to balance female hormones
- Start consuming 4-8 teaspoons of organic raw Maca powder daily (see our Maca love potion recipe here!)
- Use Triple Complex Diabetonic tissue salts daily to balance blood sugar levels
- Increase your consumption of healthy Omega rich foods such as salmon or take a good quality Omega supplement
- Limit your caffeine intake
Did you know that stress and anxiety can raise cortisol and adrenaline levels which cause acne? Raised stress levels can also lead to back pain, headaches, irritability and insomnia. It’s quite common for stress to cause back acne as well as facial acne and it’s important to learn to deal with life’s stresses in a more positive way.
Here are our 6 top tips to manage stress effectively:
- Find a relaxation technique that works for you and practise it daily
- Take a good quality daily multivitamin and mineral supplement to balance your stress response
- Find a community and start networking. Spending time with friends and family can significantly reduce stress levels!
- Make sure that you’re getting enough sleep as lack of sleep increases stress hormones
- To reduce anxiety, stress and panic attacks, use Feelgood Health’s PureCalm
- Drink a cup of Yogi Organic Relax Tea that promotes peace and tranquillty
Now that you can begin dealing with the root causes of this frustrating skin condition, it’s important that you take care of your skin on the outside too. The Feelgood Health team recommends that you apply a tea tree oil and honey face mask to the affected areas (face, neck, chest, back) 1-2 times per week as well as apply Silverlab Colloidal Silver Gel 2-3 times daily to the areas that need healing. You can also use AllisOne Beauty Synergy, a combination of 6 tissue salts, as a regular skin tonic and to counteract skin blemishes.
Tea tree oil and honey face mask
1 teaspoon Organic Raw Honey
1-2 drops of Organic Tea Tree Essential Oil
Combine the honey and tea tree oil in a small bowl and mix well. Apply the paste onto clean skin with your hands and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
Honey can often cause itching when applied directly on your skin. There’s no need to worry as this is completely normal and not necessarily a sign of an allergic reaction.
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